I recently received my Bead Cornerä Design Academy Instructor Certification, and will be teaching Jewelry classes at the Rutland, VT, Michaels store. Today I'm doing a four-hour demo at the store. I used to teach One-Stroke Painting there, but Michael's took a break from offfering all classes except for Wilton about 2 years ago. I've really missed teaching classes there and I'm excited to be back.
On Tuesday, March 22 I'll be holding a Bead Night. It's an informal setting where people can bring their unfinished projects and work on them at the store. I'll be there to help them when they need it.
Once the store receives all of the Instructor supplies, I'll be scheduling regular classes.
UPDATE, JULY 8, 2012:
- Click here to see my current class schedule.
- Click here for class descriptions.